Community prevention.

Friday, September 4, 2020

May India control COVID-19 with Ayurveda medicine and homeopathy?¿Puede la India controlar el COVID-19 con la medicina ayurvédica y la homeopatía?Чи може Індія контролювати COVID-19 за допомогою аюрведичної медицини та гомеопатії?

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ANI / Sep 8, 2020, 17:26 IST

NEW DELHI: The number of Covid-19 cases per million population in the country stands at 3,102 and it is among the lowest in the world, said Union Health Ministry on Tuesday.
Addressing a press conference here, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said the number of Covid-19 cases per million population in Brazil and US is 6 times that of India.

A new model often cited by top health officials raised its projections Friday, predicting over 410,000 coronavirus deaths nationwide by January 1.

That would mean an additional 224,000 Americans lost in the

 Regarding the number of inhabitants, those infected in India today, Monday 7 of September of 2020, are less than 0.3% of the population, while in Brazil they are almost 2% and in the United States, 1.57%.

next four months -- more than double the 186,000 deaths reported by Johns Hopkins University.

The model from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation points to declining mask use in some regions from a peak in usage in early August. The scenarios in the model suggest 122,000 of those lives could be saved with near-universal mask use. It also warns the death toll could be much higher -- over 620,000 -- if all restrictions are eased.

"If a herd immunity strategy is pursued, meaning no further government intervention is taken from now to Jan 1st, the death toll could increase to 620,000," according to IHME's briefing.

IHME expects the death rate could reach an unprecedented 3,000 a day by December, due in part to "declining vigilance of the public."


The US coronavirus death toll is projected to reach 410,000 in the next four months



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By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Dear friends from our beautiful and attractive city of Sarasota, Florida, who follow this blog, the recommendations taken from AYUSH, the home page of Public Health of the Government of India, which we are going to comment on in this post, are in addition to the use of The Mask as the first line of prevention of the COVID-19 disease, washing hands frequently with soup and social distance, the Hindu government itself warns that although they do not guarantee to prevent infection, they can cooperate so that the disease became mild or asymptomatic and lower the mortality as long as it does not exist a vaccine.Currently the government of India dedicates 67% of scientific research to the clinical demonstration of Ayurveda medicine and homeopathy to achieve pharmaceutical sovereignty in its health policies.

Modi's Ayurveda and homeopathic policies are working despite the increase in infections, today 7/7/20 Johns Hopkin assigns India in deaths per one hundred thousand a position below Russia and far removed from Brazil and the United States. The number of infestations in comparison is six times less than that of Brazil (209.5 million inhabitants) and less than four times that of the United States (382.2 million inhabitants) compared to the population of those two countries and that of India. which is 1,353 million inhabitants. I believe that instead of criticizing Modi, we should support her policies more because they are working.Gualterio Nunez Estrada, contributor for Sarasota, Fl of the National Science Foundation in a report on Science and Engineering Education.


The control of COVID-19 in India is really impressive if we take into consideration that 65% of the population lives in rural areas and only 35% have access to hospital beds and only 20% have access to doctors.


The application of the medical resources of the millenary traditional Ayurveda medicine and of homeopathy is based to date on historical indexes prevention models in population groups during coronavirus epidemics prior to COVID-19, population samples confined by COVID-19 and laboratory tests on animal models, with no scientific evidence yet to date.

Yoga and meditation are the main instruction of the government and the media to fight COVID-19, boost the immune system and recovery during and after the disease with less pharma.

According to the India's press, there is a large increase in Health tourism due to new policies to combat COVID-19 by the government and the media.

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Patanjali Coronil Kit (Coronil + Swasari + Anu Taila) Full Kit 1 PCS.AMAZON

Baba Ramdev headed Patanjali group launched the first Ayurvedic medicine, named 'Coronil' to treat COVID-19. The launch comes after CEO of the company, Acharya Balkrishna claimed that the patients who were administered the drug showed successful recovery and also saw a decrease in the viral load in the body. The medicine, made out of Ayurvedic herbs like ashwagandha and giloy claims to have a "100%" recovery rate. Clinical trials for the same are also being done in 12 other centres across the country. In a statement, he said,

“We appointed a team of scientists after COVID-19 outbreak. Firstly, the simulation was done and compounds were identified which can fight the virus and stop its spread in the body. Then, we conducted a clinical case study on hundreds of positive patients and we have got 100 per cent favourable results,”

Apart from this, Balkrishna also advised people to practice yoga and follow good precautions to safeguard themselves against the pandemic, which has affected 4,00,00 people in India alone.

Ref.:Coronavirus vaccine latest update: Patanjali launches "Coronil" COVID cure, Thai researchers reach a critical stage in vaccine development

Fortunately, we have a Buddhist meditation center in Sarasota, Fl, that can teach online for a price that is affordable for everyone.

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Asana yogas and Buddhist sutras, widely spread in Hindu culture, are currently extremely cheap and powerful procedures in Indian public health policy to strengthen the respiratory system, raise the immune system and as a national mental health plan due to that confinement, masks and social distance weaken the immune system, increase the use of sedatives, alcohol and considerably raise the rate of suicides and divorces.

Even in the Indian press, instructions on yoga exercises are frequent:

Also known as the fish pose, this asana is famous as the “destroyer of all diseases”.

*Begin in the Shavasana or the lying down position keeping your back flat. Inhale and with the help of your forearms, lift your upper body – the chest, abdomen, shoulders and head off the mat.
*Push your head back such that your crown (top of the head) touches the floor.
*Arch your back and place both palms on the thighs or let them rest on the floor. Let the top of your head rest on the mat.
*Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds and release to return to the initial position. Relax and take a breath before beginning the process again. You can repeat this process for 5-7 times.


Matsyasana is a fatigue reliever and works on increasing metabolism.

Ref.: International Yoga Day 2020: Build immunity with these 3 easy asanas

Meditation to combat depression and raise the immune system in India has become a state policy, the responses of a leader to a press show us:

By Express News Service

The HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust (National Trust) states that during last 20 days of lockdown, almost two lakh people across 50 countries have attended their online meditation sessions. The Morning Standard in conversation with Dinesh Rai, Vice Chairman of this trust, delves into reasons for the increase in participation for online sessions during the ongoing lockdown.

Do you see the role of technology increasing in the genre of meditative practices?

Absolutely, the current scenario is a great example of how our world is so connected now, that even without physical proximity we are together in prayers and meditation during this time of crisis.

Over 27 lakh people have attended the meditation events live streaming on YouTube live, Facebook live, Mixlr and national TV. As Sahaja Yoga celebrates its 50th anniversary today (May 5), it has improved life of millions across the world through the Kundalini Awakening, and has demonstrated how humanity can be saved through awakening this inner power that is there in all human beings.We are hopeful to continue hosting similar programmes online free of cost for the benefit of the seekers of truth the world over.

How is Sahaja Yoga different from other forms of meditation?

Sahaja Yoga is different from the other types of Yoga and meditation because it begins with self-realisation instead of this being the distant goal of a seeker.In these modern times, through Sahaja (spontaneous) Yoga (union with one’s self), this experience has become effortless and available to everyone for the first time in the history of human spirituality.

What benefits does meditation have on the overall health of a person?

Meditation is an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve quality of life and decrease health care costs.SahajaYoga Meditation is about achieving a state of “thoughtless awareness” in which the excessive stress producing activity of the mind is neutralised without reducing alertness and effectiveness.Sahaja Yoga meditation enables you to remain in the present rather than dwell on the unchangeable past or undetermined future. There are immediate benefits in stress relief and a feeling of peace and contentment sets in.Physically, it helps in prevention and cure of illnesses that are otherwise difficult to cure mentally and emotionally. It helps one to attain balance and spiritually, as also the highest level of enlightenment

Do you plan to increase your number of sessions given the huge demand?

We currently host five sessions and there is no limit to the number of people joining these sessions.

However, we are planning to add sessions for (several edt) regional Indian languages.

Ref.: COVID-19: Locked in their homes, people now opt for online meditation

But meditation it's no only and heritage of a millenarian nation. 

"In an article published in the International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, several medical doctors have drawn a comparison between stress and immunity and how too much of mental agony can decrease the healing powers of mind and body. That’s when the ancient practice of meditation can help build a wall around the human immunity system. The studies say that meditation increases telomerase activity and lengthens telomeres and thus promotes immune cell longevity. Beneficial effects of meditation also include reducing the activity of nuclear factor-kB which is a mediator in the pathogenesis of certain cancers, arthritis, asthma, and neurodegenerative diseases. C o m - menting on the benefits of meditation Kamlesh Patel, the guide of Heartfulness Meditation says, “It acts as a silent regulator for all systems in our being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to function in harmony. The impact of this is the ability of the body and mind to respond to internal and external stress with extreme effectiveness.”"

Ref.: Meditation in the time of COVID-19

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The diagonal lines on the chart below correspond to different case fatality ratios (the number of deaths divided by the number of confirmed cases).In red the United States with 3%, in blue you found India with 1.7% far away from United States.(1).

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In the list of the twenty countries most affected by death due to COVID-19, as we can see, marked in blue, while the United States has a mortality rate of 57.39%, below Brazil, we see that India marked in red We see it has an index of 1.7% with a position very far from the United States.(1)

We refer to deaths per hundred thousand inhabitants.

And the most interesting thing is that India has achieved, until now, September 4, 2020 that low mortality by applying Ayurveda medicine, millenary like that of China, and, look at this detail, nothing less than homeopathy.

"Until then, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the only way to prevent infection is to avoid contact with the virus and people who are sick, to wash your hands, and not touch your face. But the Central Council for Research In Homeopathy (CCRH) of the Ministry of AYUSH claims that there are other preventive options." 

Anil Khurana, who heads the CCRH, tells The Scientist that Arsenicum album 30C, a homeopathic solution prepared by diluting aqueous arsenic trioxide until little or no arsenic remains that is used in respiratory disorders and has been in widespread use for more than 220 years with a good safety record, was found to be an effective prophylactic during the swine flu epidemic in India in 2009. A study conducted by Robert Mathie of the British Homeopathic Association and his group, in collaboration with the CCRH, reported in Homeopathy that of the various homeopathic medicines given to patients with swine flu symptoms, Arsenicum album was most successful in reducing fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and headache. There was no control arm. In another, placebo-controlled trial conducted by the CCRH, homeopathic medicines were also found to reduce flu-like symptoms. (2)

 In the website of the Indian Government Health System there are a lot of Ayurveda receipt to control the COVID-19, YOU CAN CLICK BELOW: 

Ministry of AYUSH

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One of the indications to the population of India is to take the so-called "Sacred Milk" millennial drink that a few years ago saved the life of a cancer patient in England, her name is Dianeke Ferguson (3) and she was diagnosed with cancer in the blood, they evicted her and she opted for the Hindu concoction, among other things indicated for Alzheimer's, which saved her life by drinking it before going to bed.

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According to the recipe (4), it is taken before going to bed and consists of 150 ml of hot milk to which is added half a tablespoon of turmeric powder, two tablespoons of GHEE or coconut oil and, finally, a pinch of black pepper powder is added.

In most of India, except for quarantined areas, commercial activity is normal albeit with mask regulations. There are millions of people without health insurance in areas of poverty with few doctors per inhabitant for whom access to health is the ancient Ayurveda medical culture and homeopaths that are distributed free of charge.

According to the Ministry of Public Health, following these indications, the person who contracts the virus in most cases would suffer from a mild or asymptomatic form of the disease and so far the effectiveness of these measures seems to be demonstrated in practice because India is in one of the the lowest echelons in deaths per one hundred thousand inhabitants.

The medical practices that for the West belong to alternative medicine in India function as a holistic approach to COVID-19

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Kadha, the decoction that boost immunity and destroys stones in the kidneys.(5).

With the onset of the coronavirus, there has been a rise in consumption of Ayurvedic remedies and herbal immunity boosters in India. The use of home treatments was also pushed by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his various addresses to the nation. Thus, people have made a return to the Ayurvedic medicinal culture and consuming herbal health-boosting kadhas to ward off not just simple cold or cough but even COVID-19. Recently, a coronavirus survivor shared the immunity-boosting kadha recipe that helped her on her social media handle.

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For making this kadha, you need 5-6 Tulsi leaves (Holy Basil-albahaca morada), 1 Black or 2 green cardamom, ½ cup sliced raw turmeric, 1 tbsp cloves, 1 tbsp black peppercorns, 1 stick cinnamon, 5-6 tbsp sliced ginger and 1 tbsp munakka.

Wash, peel and coarsely pound the raw turmeric and ginger in a mortar and pestle. Then boil it in 4 cups of water until the colour turns yellow and you start getting a whiff of ginger. This should take 5-6 minutes on medium heat. Then add the rest of the ingredients in the turmeric-ginger water and let it boil on simmer for at least 15-20 minutes. The water will reduce, so adjust the quantity according to how many cups you want to make. Put 1 tsp honey in a cup and strain the kadha. Sip when warm.

This kadha recipe is a tried and tested one and it is shared by a COVID-19 survivor. In the post, she said that the immunity-boosting kadha is a life saviour and has helped her get-through COVID. The addition of black pepper is what actually makes this kadha special. While most people might not think twice about a pinch of black pepper in the kadha, this actually plays an important role when added in a 1:10 ratio with Turmeric, it increases its absorption manifold. It also helps in getting rid of cough and cold and helps in keeping the lungs healthy. She suggests drinking this kadha twice a day while following all precautions for best results. You can also add jaggery or cinnamon to the drink if you find the taste too overwhelming and want to add a sweet taste.

The Ayush Ministry of India (Health Ministry) is responsible for regulating the indigenous and alternative medicinal systems in INDIA. It recently suggested the consumption of kadha as a protective measure against coronavirus. But how exactly does it protect us? Kadha is a concoction made using wonderful herbs and spices such as Tulsi leaves, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, giloy, liquorice root, black pepper etc., which are boiled in water until it releases its essence into it. The combined goodness of these herbs acts to strengthen the immune system and thus protect against many other infections including coronavirus. There are many kadha recipes that involve a different combination of herbs. However, it is important not to simply rely on kadha but also practice social distancing guidelines and wear a mask to protect from coronavirus.

Khada original (6)

To make this effective home remedy, you need 2 cups of water, 1 inch of peeled ginger, 4-5 cloves, 5-6 black pepper, 5-6 fresh basil leaves, ½ tsp honey and 2 inch cinnamon stick. You can add mulethi (lecorice) if it is available.

To begin with, take water in a deep saucepan and boil it. In the meantime, crush ginger, cloves, black pepper and cinnamon in a mortar and pestle. Once the water is boiled, add all the crushed ingredients along with basil leaves to the saucepan. Cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes or till the decoction is reduced to half. Strain it in glass and add honey. Your homemade kadha is ready.

According to experts, Kadha has anti-viral properties and is effective against cough and cold too. The presence of basil makes it an effective healing drink that reduces mucus in the body. It is also known for increasing immunity and fights against infections. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which soothes the throat and prevents coughing.

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Breathe your way to health, beauty & peace.

"All these forms of yoga, help a lot in strengthening both our respiratory and immune system,"

‘Prana’ refers to the universal life force and ‘ayama’ means to regulate or lengthen. Prana is the vital energy needed by our physical and subtle layers, without which the body would perish. It is what keeps us alive. Pranayama is the control of prana through the breath. One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with Pranayama and achieve healthy body and mind. It's an exercise without spending energy, and relaxation without any stimulation. (30 minutes daily asanas and later 15 minutes buddhist meditation)

Although the first line of protection is the mask, frequent hand washing with soap and social distance, these Ayurvedic and homeopathic procedures, in case of COVID-19 infection, make the disease mild or asymptomatic according to most of the cases. (Population rates in India).






Turmeric Health Benefits: The right way to use turmeric to get ...




World now feeling need for yoga more than ever, it's helping ..Covid patients defeat disease: Narendra Modi

Sunday, August 23, 2020

26 cases COVID-19 pretty close to Havana urgently quarantines two counties of Cuba.26 випадків COVID-19 досить близько до Гавани терміново карантинують два графства Куби.



"In the Public Health information, released on the morning of this Friday, August 28, 5,002 samples analyzed in the country's laboratories were reported. The total amounts to 382 496, of which 1.01% tested positive for COVID-19."

Quarantine decreed in two communities of Pinar del Río (+ Photos and Podcast)


“So far in this territory 26 positive for the disease have been reported.
Of them, 23 are workers of the Integral Construction Company of Mariel and three are contacts of these builders, "he explained.

“Taking this situation into account, we decided to limit the mobility of the more than 9,000 people who live in these communities, which cover about 164 square kilometers. In addition, it is being defined that for each home only one person can go out to do the necessary steps to replenish the home, "she explained.

«Surveillance and control of isolated homes will be reinforced, which today number 93 and have a sticker that identifies them. For this we have the support of mass organizations and health personnel, "he added.

"The investigation of one hundred percent of the population of the two quarantined areas was indicated and the investigation was reinforced in the rest of the seven areas of the municipality," she said.

Similarly, "the measures in the obituary services that were implemented during the epidemic stage will be applied, that is, the two-hour wake, decrease of people at burials and prohibit watching people in private homes."

Friday, August 21, 2020

Wearing a mandatory mask you can control the pandemic COVID-19.Одягаючи обов'язкову маску, ви можете контролювати пандемію COVID-19


By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Like the goddess Pallas Athenaeus, goddess of wisdom, gave Perseus magic weapons to cunningly defeat Medusa who turned the men who approached her to look at her into stone statues, COVID-19 can be controlled through a policy Mandatory regarding the use of masks.

The deadly rays that came out of the eyes of Medusa, a Greek myth in whose head snakes nested like a crown, blinded her when they were reflected by the shield that Pallas Athena, The Owl, had given him to protect herself and by means of this cunning he was able to cut off her head with his sword to the unbeatable monster.

Cuba has controlled the pandemic with the mandatory mask.

The mask does not reflect as a "magic" Perseus's shield the new coronavirus, brother of the cold and flu coronaviruses, but it prevents all of them from entering the nasopharyngeal system to a great extent,  so of that if we have a prolonged exposure to an infected person in 95% of cases we will be asymptomatic or maybe nothing happens.  

If we keep our distance, it is most likely that we will not get sick with the mask and the eyes protected by goggles over the glasses, if possible, especially in case we are in closed spaces and pretty close to a full of people such as happens when we are shopping in supermarkets.

The absence of state policies based on medical opinions from the Florida health community has led us all to a dead end that is evident in the headlines of the Sarasota Herald Tribune today ( And the number of doctors who have died in the first line of contagion ) , if we read the newspaper today we will find that we are going towards an economically hopeless situation for the chain of small and medium businesses that are already feeling the crisis forced to close and in some sectors that have begun to cut hours of work, such as the plastic packaging factories due to the low demand.

Medical experts warn that COVID-19 figures are higher than seen in May

Infectious disease expert from the University of Miami Lilian Abbo, warned that the coronavirus figures are not "as good" as those seen in May before the first reopening.  


Florida DOH prepped for a coronavirus outbreak, said little ...
May 20 2020 -  Florida knew a COVID - 19 pandemic was likely. ... Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Friday, May 15, 2020, that ... warning them about the risks the virus posed to elderly residents. ... The state was also monitoring hundreds of people, far more than ... Listen to today's top stories from the Miami Herald :.         

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It is evident that 90 miles from our coasts Cuba has controlled the pandemic that now treats as an epidemic with outbreaks applying medical opinions as state policies, the result is obvious if we consider that in eleven million inhabitants only about 256 children were infected of which none have died to date.

21 hours ago -  Eight children under the age of 18  years old  have died of the virus in  Florida .

In Florida, where the mask is not mandatory, nor the quarantines necessary to tackle the crisis on time, a six-year-old girl died a few days ago, we have 47,489 children under 18 infected with COVID-19 and 600 hospitalized at this time.A number still undetermined and that the Florida press does not clarify every day, has unfortunately passed away.

The poet Edgar Alla Poet knew how to tell us all that science is an inexorable fact that escapes any human pretension to believe in ideal worlds that, although they belong to the culture of a Nation, do not decide their ideological prevalence, nor is science subject to concepts morals of periods onto what is and is not politically correct.

Sonnet - To Science

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
   Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart,
   Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
How should he love thee? or how deem thee wise,
   Who wouldst not leave him in his wandering
To seek for treasure in the jewelled skies,
   Albeit he soared with an undaunted wing?
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car,
   And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star?
   Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?


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1 day ago -  Mask  Up Because Cloth Masks Protect You , Too ... may benefit the wearer, according to a paper published in theJournalof General Internal Medicine. People Whowore masksexperienced less severeCOVID-19... Melissa MatthewsHealthWriter Melissa MatthewsistheHealthWriter atMen's Health,.              

Jul 31 2020 -  Masks Do More Than Protect Others During COVID - 19 : Reducing theInoculumofSARS-CoV-2toProtecttheWearer. J Gen Intern Med.         
by M Gandhi