Community prevention.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The LANCET Regional Health Americas. ProfileVolume 37100885 September 2024 Open access Dagmar García Rivera—a career of passion and resilience Elisa Pucu

Dagmar García-Rivera is a pharmacist and the Vice Director of Research and Development at the Finlay Vaccine Institute in Havana, Cuba. Being from a family of university professors, it was not difficult for her to choose a career focusing on research: “I [grew up] in a house where we heard … about knowledge, university studies, doctoral degrees … I [understood] since I was very young that I [needed] to study [to do] something important”, she says. Her role models, her father and a school chemistry teacher, influenced her to become a researcher, as she states: “This professor was very important to despertar [spark] the interest for science … my father [and others] … allowed me to see [that] with the Pharmacy career I could find the relation that I wanted between chemistry and [biology]”. She graduated from Pharmacy in 1998 at the Universidad Central de las Villas, in Villa Clara, one of the biggest universities in Cuba, founded in 1952. Soon after, she started her career as a young professor at the same university, which she recalls as a great responsibility at the time: “This was very important because when you have the responsibility of teaching students you need [to have good] background and preparation.” García-Rivera taught immunology and pharmacology at the Universidad Central de las Villas for 5 years. “When I studied immunology, I discovered that this is the [field] that I wanted to dedicate my life [to].” Later, due to family reasons, García-Rivera moved to Havana and in 2003 she started her PhD focusing on the immunomodulatory effect of natural products. Two years after successfully defending her doctoral thesis, she joined the research group led by Professor Vicente Vérez-Bencomo in 2008. “The day I had the first conversation with Dr. Vicente about vaccines, I [fell] in love with the idea to do, with my immunological knowledge, something important for [people’s health]. Now, I have been involved in important vaccine projects [for] the last 15 years, leading the preclinical and clinical evaluation of these vaccines”, she recalls. The Finlay Vaccine Institute and The Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) are the main institutes responsible for vaccine production in the Cuban national program, supported by the Ministry of Health. “We focus on the most important vaccine projects. Our Institution, Finlay Vaccine Institute, produces more than 80% of vaccines used in our National Immunisation Program. We have a huge responsibility with the national immunisation program in Cuba, and we [also]export vaccines to other countries” she further explains. García-Rivera’s experience with vaccine research was especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic. She was part of the team responsible for producing one of two COVID-19 vaccines that would serve the Cuban population and be exported to other countries. This was a very challenging project due to the time-sensitive need for a vaccine: “We received the call of our president for developing our own vaccine … We designed one of the most innovative COVID-19 [vaccines]. SOBERANA® 02 is the unique conjugate vaccine developed for fighting SARS-Cov-2, [it] is [based] on the RBD conjugate to tetanus toxoid, combining a very relevant humoral and cellular immune response, especially for children.” The combination of innovation, agility and commitment was the recipe for success: “When the pandemic [started] … for the first time we received the responsibility to produce a vaccine as fast as possible … we worked very hard, we sacrificed our families, our life, our priorities during 2020, 2021 and 2022, [and we] fully dedicated to the development of SOBERANA vaccine.” The result of the SOBERANA vaccine is one of the moments García-Rivera is most proud of in her career: “When we succeeded, when [we] found our vaccine worked, when we vaccinated more than 1.8 million of Cuban children with the vaccine we [produced], it was amazing. For me [this] is the most important thing I [have done] in my life. Nothing is compared with the sensation of … [millions] of children [receiving] a vaccine that we develop with [our] dedication, [our] sacrifice and [our] esfuerzo [effort]. I don’t think I will have another moment so relevant to compare with this.” Her success is also due to the combination of great teamwork and support from the government: “All the time I feel that I cannot speak [for myself] because we are a team, it is impossible to think this is the result of one person. We are a team, a very important team … with the alliance with the Ministry of Health …” Perhaps a unique consequence of the aligned mission of the research institutes and the minister of health, Dr García-Rivera’s experience as a woman in research reflects this perfect alliance, allowing for women to establish themselves in academia without having to choose between career or family: “In Cuba more than 60% of [researchers] are women. I don’t have to privarme [deprive myself] from any personal plan [due to] my career” she explains. However, there are some challenges that Cuban researchers face when it comes to publishing their studies. García-Rivera highlights: “Sometimes, the main barrier we have suffered is for publication. In November 2021, when we vaccinated 1.8 million children in Cuba with SOBERANA vaccine, it was the major mass immunisation in children with a COVID-19 vaccine … we sent to an important journal a letter [communicating this] and it was rejected less than 24 h later.” Unfortunately, there is still some discrimination related to the country people are from despite the quality of the research that is performed: “If I have [felt] some discrimination … in science it is related [to publishing] the Cuban science in [some] important journals in the world.” Despite these challenges, they could still publish their results in relevant journals that accepted their authorship without discrimination. Dr. García-Rivera’s journey is defined by a strong sense of ethics and a commitment to instilling in the next generation the importance of their work in public health and for the overall population: “My generation … also has the responsibility to prepare the next generation of Cuban scientists and also, [to] be able to create capacities for responding to a new potential pandemic. We are working on it.” She also has important advice for those who wish to follow her career path: “As a [scientist] and woman I have [felt] that it is possible to combine the scientific career with a full personal life … I have been able to study, go abroad, finish my PhD … and have been able to have a family, my house. I feel [accomplished] as a person. When my children [were] vaccinated I [was] proud.” she recalls. The impact on people’s lives is what drives her to be a strong researcher, as she feels a deep sense of pride knowing that her work translates into tangible benefits for the community. “As a Latin American researcher and also as a Cuban researcher is the [commitment] that we have with our science in the function of the public health. Our mottos, the most important feeling is the things we do will have an impact in the public health of our people” she concludes

W. von Bayreuth, Concierto para clavecín en sol menor - I. Allegro - Ensamble Barroco de Bogotá

Monday, September 9, 2024

Jusvinza, medicamento Cubano, para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide.


En septiembre de 2023, el Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos (CECMED) aprobó el Registro Sanitario del medicamento Jusvinza para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide. Nacido del talento y la consagración de un equipo de prestigiosos investigadores del Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología de la Habana, este fármaco ya había recibido con anterioridad un Autorizo de Uso de Emergencia para el tratamiento a pacientes con covid en estadios grave y crítico.

Entendidos en la materia consideran que este medicamento podría cambiar la vida de unos 136 000 cubanos y la de millones de personas que en el mundo conviven con ese padecimiento porque hasta ahora los tratamientos disponibles en el mercado resultan bien costosos, no son del todo efectivos o generan demasiadas reacciones adversas y efectos secundarios que limitan su seguridad.

“Pero es bueno aclarar que este no es un tratamiento abierto para cualquier enfermedad reumática, es para la artritis reumatoide. No es una vacuna, es un medicamento.

“La Jusvinza surge como una alternativa de tratamiento combinada con otros medicamentos como el Metotrexato, la Prednisona y el Ácido Fólico.

¿Y este tratamiento se supone que sea de por vida?

“No. Hasta ahora es por seis meses.

“Este es un medicamento que tiene que estar asociado a la aplicación del Metotrexato y la Prednisona. Eso no quiere decir que se excluya de manera absoluta a quien no tome Metotrexato. Lo único que sí está contraindicado es que se esté usando alguna otra terapia biológica o algún antinflamatorio porque lo que se espera es que la Jusvinza se comporte como un agente biológico”.

Antes de la Jusvinza yo estaba muerta (+fotos) – Escambray

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cuba, Corea del Sur y Mejico se unen en una obra de Teatro sobre emigracion coreana.



“Allí está su casa” es una obra de teatro que narra la difícil travesía de 1033 coreanos que, en 1905, dejaron su hogar en busca de una vida mejor en México. Tras un viaje de 40 días desde Jemulpo (Incheon) hasta las costas mexicanas, se encontraron con una realidad muy distinta a la esperada. En 1921, algunos de estos inmigrantes se reubicaron, esta vez a Cuba, en busca de nuevas oportunidades.

La obra es fruto de una investigación en México y Cuba, donde se recopilaron historias de vida y hechos sobre la diáspora coreana. Esta colaboración entre las compañías TETIEM A.C. de México, TEATRO LA PROA de Cuba, y Nottle Theatre de Corea del Sur, liderado por el director Won Young Oh, ha dado lugar a una experiencia teatral única.
La obra lleva a los espectadores a través de un viaje visual y emocional que refleja las esperanzas, los desafíos y la resiliencia de los inmigrantes coreanos mientras buscaban un lugar al que pudieran llamar hogar.

Hoy en KBS WORLD Radio, conversamos con José Carlos Alonso Hernández, director de la compañía TETIEM A.C. de México, y Erduyn Maza` Morgado, actor y director del TEATRO LA PROA de Cuba, quienes nos invitan a descubrir cómo esta obra conjunta ha dado vida a una historia conmovedora de migración y perseverancia. 

Oiga la entrevista en:

Monday, September 2, 2024

Cuba: comienza curso escolar 2024.

 En fotos: El regreso a las aulas en Sancti Spíritus – Escambray

 La estadounidense Exxon Mobil Corp. está perforando en una nueva área costa afuera en el noreste de Brasil que podría tener hasta mil millones de barriles de petróleo y gas equivalentes, según su socio Murphy Oil. El director ejecutivo de Murphy Oil, Roger Jenkins, dio la actualización sobre el prospecto Cutthroat-1 en la costa de Brasil en una presentación a inversionistas. Si la exploración tiene éxito, sería el primer descubrimiento de petróleo de Exxon en Brasil como operador. Exxon lidera el prospecto en la cuenca Sergipe-Alagoas, noreste de Brasil, con una participación del 50%. Le acompañan el productor brasileño Enauta con el 30% y Murphy Oil Corp, con sede en Houston, con el 20%. Exxon inició la actividad de perforación en el prospecto Cutthroat-1 el 20 de febrero y debería concluir en las próximas semanas, dijo Jenkins. Este es el primer pozo exploratorio de los nueve bloques que las tres empresas mantienen unidos en la cuenca Sergipe-Alagoas. El área de Cutthroat tiene un potencial de recursos brutos ascendentes de entre 500 millones y 1.050 millones de barriles de petróleo equivalente, dijo.

Exxon Mobil drilling offshore in Brazil's Sergipe/Alagoas basin with a potential of a billion barrels