Community prevention.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Wearing a mandatory mask you can control the pandemic COVID-19.Одягаючи обов'язкову маску, ви можете контролювати пандемію COVID-19


By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Like the goddess Pallas Athenaeus, goddess of wisdom, gave Perseus magic weapons to cunningly defeat Medusa who turned the men who approached her to look at her into stone statues, COVID-19 can be controlled through a policy Mandatory regarding the use of masks.

The deadly rays that came out of the eyes of Medusa, a Greek myth in whose head snakes nested like a crown, blinded her when they were reflected by the shield that Pallas Athena, The Owl, had given him to protect herself and by means of this cunning he was able to cut off her head with his sword to the unbeatable monster.

Cuba has controlled the pandemic with the mandatory mask.

The mask does not reflect as a "magic" Perseus's shield the new coronavirus, brother of the cold and flu coronaviruses, but it prevents all of them from entering the nasopharyngeal system to a great extent,  so of that if we have a prolonged exposure to an infected person in 95% of cases we will be asymptomatic or maybe nothing happens.  

If we keep our distance, it is most likely that we will not get sick with the mask and the eyes protected by goggles over the glasses, if possible, especially in case we are in closed spaces and pretty close to a full of people such as happens when we are shopping in supermarkets.

The absence of state policies based on medical opinions from the Florida health community has led us all to a dead end that is evident in the headlines of the Sarasota Herald Tribune today ( And the number of doctors who have died in the first line of contagion ) , if we read the newspaper today we will find that we are going towards an economically hopeless situation for the chain of small and medium businesses that are already feeling the crisis forced to close and in some sectors that have begun to cut hours of work, such as the plastic packaging factories due to the low demand.

Medical experts warn that COVID-19 figures are higher than seen in May

Infectious disease expert from the University of Miami Lilian Abbo, warned that the coronavirus figures are not "as good" as those seen in May before the first reopening.  


Florida DOH prepped for a coronavirus outbreak, said little ...
May 20 2020 -  Florida knew a COVID - 19 pandemic was likely. ... Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Friday, May 15, 2020, that ... warning them about the risks the virus posed to elderly residents. ... The state was also monitoring hundreds of people, far more than ... Listen to today's top stories from the Miami Herald :.         

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It is evident that 90 miles from our coasts Cuba has controlled the pandemic that now treats as an epidemic with outbreaks applying medical opinions as state policies, the result is obvious if we consider that in eleven million inhabitants only about 256 children were infected of which none have died to date.

21 hours ago -  Eight children under the age of 18  years old  have died of the virus in  Florida .

In Florida, where the mask is not mandatory, nor the quarantines necessary to tackle the crisis on time, a six-year-old girl died a few days ago, we have 47,489 children under 18 infected with COVID-19 and 600 hospitalized at this time.A number still undetermined and that the Florida press does not clarify every day, has unfortunately passed away.

The poet Edgar Alla Poet knew how to tell us all that science is an inexorable fact that escapes any human pretension to believe in ideal worlds that, although they belong to the culture of a Nation, do not decide their ideological prevalence, nor is science subject to concepts morals of periods onto what is and is not politically correct.

Sonnet - To Science

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
   Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart,
   Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
How should he love thee? or how deem thee wise,
   Who wouldst not leave him in his wandering
To seek for treasure in the jewelled skies,
   Albeit he soared with an undaunted wing?
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car,
   And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star?
   Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?


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1 day ago -  Mask  Up Because Cloth Masks Protect You , Too ... may benefit the wearer, according to a paper published in theJournalof General Internal Medicine. People Whowore masksexperienced less severeCOVID-19... Melissa MatthewsHealthWriter Melissa MatthewsistheHealthWriter atMen's Health,.              

Jul 31 2020 -  Masks Do More Than Protect Others During COVID - 19 : Reducing theInoculumofSARS-CoV-2toProtecttheWearer. J Gen Intern Med.         
by M Gandhi

Friday, August 14, 2020

Are you not wearing mask and googles proteccion when you going to shopping to the supermarket ?Ви не носите маску та захисні окуляри, коли збираєтесь робити покупки в супермаркет?

 By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Do you have a good coach to face COVID-19? 🤸‍♀️

A well-trained person⛹️‍♂️ is able to respond to an unexpected assault🧛‍♂️ by the new coronavirus by making him flee🚴‍♀️ without having to call the police or the ambulance.🎃🎃🎃🙏🙏🙏

Чи є у вас хороший тренер, який повинен зіткнутися з COVID-19? 🤸‍♀️


For the coronavirus we are an inert tree where he can do his thing🤐, even cut it by the roots in three days.😥

The bioaerosol of the coronavirus 🧯🌪 while we shop in closed and crowded places can mortally infect us, if we are not protected🙏, just five meters from an asymptomatic patient who seems to be a normal person but is not.😯😁🤐🥴

Researcher Arantza Eiguren with a device similar to that used to capture coronaviruses, Berkeley (US)


COVID-19 Virus Found In The Air Five Meters From A Patient ... ›Stories 

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11 hours ago -  The coronavirus has been found in the air almost five meters from a ... in the journal of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, has not ...  




1 day ago -  Infective coronaviruses found in the air almost five meters from a patient . The discovery, in a closed room, suggests that the ..    

New oncologist SIEMENS CT scanner in Cuba.Новий онкологічний сканер SIEMENS CT на Кубі.

  • By Lourdes Pichs Rodríguez, (Edt)

 The Tomograph installed in the Territorial Oncology Center is the second of its kind in the country. Photos: Juan Pablo Carreras.

Томограф, встановлений в Територіальному онкологічному диспансері, є другим подібним в країні. Фотографії: Хуан Пабло Каррерас.

Варто пам’ятати про безкоштовні медичні послуги, хіміотерапію, радіо та наркотики на Кубі для всіх кубинців без черги, навіть якщо вони дуже дорогі, як у спеціальності онкології.

It is worth remembering the free medical services,chemotherapy, radio and drugs in Cuba for all Cubans without waiting list, even if they are highly expensive like those in the specialty of Oncology.


 The official start-up, this August 13, of a 16-slice computerized axial tomography (CT) scan at the Holguín Territorial Oncology Center opens a new stage in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in patients from the Holguín provinces, Las Tunas and Granma, due to the high technological possibilities of the German-made equipment.

This CT scan is the second of its kind installed in Cuba so far and the first to be synchronized in the imaging process with the radioactive planning process for radiotherapy treatment; in addition to having among other advantages related to the quality and capacity of studies.

Dr. Luis Mario Zaldívar Pérez, a second-degree specialist in Radiology, said that despite the new CT scan not being one of the highest in number of cuts, it does have a software system capable of making up for the difference and obtaining larger images. quality.

Доктор Луїс Маріо Залдівар Перес, фахівець з радіології другого ступеня, заявив, що незважаючи на те, що новий КТ не є одним із найвищих за кількістю скорочень, у нього є програмне забезпечення, здатне компенсувати різницю та отримувати більші зображення . якість.

He stressed that “with the tomograph any body region and oncological pathology can be studied. It has the ability to address large areas of the body in a single exposure, that means a lot of radiation savings for the patient, a higher level of radiological protection and no part of the body is out of its exploration capacity ”.

Full Article in Spanish:

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hace 13 horas - El Tomógrafo instalado en Centro Oncológico Territorial de Holguín es el segundo de su tipo en el país. Fotos: Juan Pablo Carreras. La puesta ...