Community prevention.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Doctors in Cuba test genetically modified Curcuma nasal drops.Medicos en Cuba prueban gotas nasales de Curcuma geneticamente modificada.

Curmeric (molecularly genetically modified👀) is the latest non-homeopathic candidate as an early-stage COVID-19 drug.

"... the Curmeric was subjected to four observational clinical studies (click blow the link) in the Havana municipalities of Regla and Plaza de la Revolución, in which 800 subjects participated and is for sale in the Natural and Homeopathic Products Pharmacy, with high acceptance among the population . "

"...el Curmeric fue sometido a cuatro estudios clínicos observacionales en los municipios habaneros de Regla y Plaza de la Revolución, en los que participaron 800 sujetos y está en venta en la Farmacia de Producto Naturales y Homeopáticos, con alta aceptación entre la población."

Tania Valdés González, Doctor of Science and head of the National Product Development Projects of Cúrcama longa, explains details about the first health intervention that is carried out in #Cuba with the Curmeric product.
👉 Laboratory results and clinical studies indicate that it is safe and has antibacterial and anti-coronavirus action. As the intervention progresses in # CiegodeÁvila, its effectiveness in the prevention of # Covid-19 and in the treatment of respiratory infections can be determined. (See Facebook)

By  Ailén Castilla Padrón 30 September 2021

That suspected patients☠️ and contacts of positive cases👀 to COVID-19 in the five health areas of the head municipality have in their hands a bottle of Curmeric is due to the implementation in Ciego de Ávila (Ciego de Avila ☠️is the epicenter of COVID-19 in Cuba) of the first health intervention carried out in Cuba with this natural product, prior authorization of the Innovation Committee of the Ministry of Public Health, which will gradually extend to Florence, Chambas and Ciro Redondo.

Tania Valdés González, head of the Teragnóstico Laboratory and the National Product Development Projects of Curcuma longa, explained that this process will allow measuring its effectiveness in the prevention of the disease, after the collection of data in a sample of 200 people.

It is a combined emulsion. It contains extracts of Curcuma longa and we use high technology to make determinations of its molecules with beneficial properties and for the preparation of the formulation. In general, laboratory and clinical studies have shown that it is safe and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects against the bovine Coronavirus, of the same subgenus of SARS-CoV-2.

That is why the specialist clarifies that it is not a homeopathic product👀 and that it does not have the same effect as consuming turmeric at home, a plant native to India and the basis of some condiments, since the procedures involved in obtaining it guarantee a more effective pharmaco-therapeutic action.

Before arriving here, the Curmeric was subjected to four observational clinical studies in the Havana municipalities of Regla and Plaza de la Revolución, in which 800 subjects participated and is for sale in the Pharmacy of Natural and Homeopathic Products, with high acceptance among the population.

In addition, the medical staff located in vulnerable areas of the Calixto García Clinical Surgical Hospital, the center where teragnóstico's laboratory is located, used it in the first months of facing the virus and showed fewer infections than the rest of the professionals who work there.

Among the people excluded from the population intervention are those under 18 years of age, pregnant women, puerperal women and breastfeeding mothers. Its mode of application consists of two drops in each nostril, three times a day. To date, no adverse events have been reported.

As part of the research led by the team at the Calixto García Clinical Surgical Hospital, Curcuma longa supplements👀 are used to reduce glycemia, cholesterol and triglycerides in patients with diabetes and dyslipidemias, in the development of nutritional supplements and work is being done on their use in the prevention of Alzheimer's.

According to the planned schedule, within a period between one and two months the results will be available, and we will be able to have new data that support the benefits of Curmeric in the prevention of the transmission of Covid-19.


  1. Producto natural contra la COVID-19 en Ciego de Ávila

    Sep 30, 2021 · Producto natural contra la COVID-19 en Ciego de Ávila Mundial Béisbol Sub 23: Por nocaut cae Cuba ante Venezuela Ciego de Ávila: primeras medidas hacia la normalidad Soberana 02, bendición para los niños cubanos Ciego de Ávila: 114 casos confirmados y un fallecido por COVID-19

  2. Ciego de Ávila continúa como epicentro de la Covid-19 en ...

    Sep 17, 2020 · La Habana y Ciego de Ávila presentan más casos de la Covid-19. Las autoridades de salud de Cuba actualizaron los datos de la pandemia en el país, en una jornada donde luego de 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

"It is not a river": Lava can disperse in other directions even though it now flows into the sea.“No es un río”: La lava puede dispersarse en otras direcciones aunque ahora fluya hacia al mar. (El )

The arrival of the wash in the ocean does not guarantee that it will only follow that channel from now on. The natural thing is that it falls down the same slope, but it could take other paths after cooling down or covering the topography


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Vulnerability study of the Cuban platform due to coastal flooding.Etude de vulnérabilité de la plate-forme cubaine due aux inondations côtières. Estudio de vulnerabilidad de la plataforma de Cuba por inundacion costera.


Full-text available
Esta obra constituye una compilación de los resultados de los estudios del Macroproyecto: "Escenarios de peligro y vulnerabilidades de la zona costera cubana asociados al ascenso del nivel medio del mar para los años 2050 y 2100", ejecutado durante los últimos cinco años por más de 150 autores que representan numerosas instituciones nacionales y mu...

Estaciones mareográfi cas de Cuba con registro de observaciones mayor... | Download Scientific Diagram (

 Current platform of Cuba.

By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

(To be continued, later...)

Friday, September 24, 2021

Baiden's 240 restrictions against Cuba are directed against the Public Health System. Las 240 restricciones de Baiden contra Cuba van dirigidas contra el Sistema de Salud Publica.

 By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Baiden is besieging Cuba with 240 restrictions plus US Embargo that are aimed at destroying the island's health system in the midst of a pandemic, a medieval policy of besieging castles and catapult the corpses of plagued people, a policy that is in violation of the ethics of the American medical clinics and the CDC, which are a main references in Cuba for all medical schools.

Due to the restrictions that Baiden maintains, in addition to the US Embargo, the Ministry of Public Health cannot obtain credits, nor do operations to purchase hospital and pharmacy supplies in international banks, nor can it obtain oil for hospitals and clinics that have generators that own as a source of energy, this problem forces physicians to work in red areas without air conditioning and with high temperatures since only energy and pharmacy can be reserved for children and pregnant women at this time, only by international donations.

The situation is so acute that no hospital room has guaranteed medical protocols.

No American doctor can agree, by ethics, with this situation, nor do we Cuban Americans agree whom respect the ethical and moral principles on which the United States of America was founded. This policy must be denounced in all instances of Congress.