Community prevention.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Vaccination of children from two to eleven years old in Cuba.Vaccination des enfants de deux à onze ans à Cuba.Vacunacion de ninos de dos a once anos en Cuba.

Cuba y Vietnam suscriben acuerdo para el uso de emergencia de vacuna Abdala - YouTube

Spanish in full article:

CAMAGÜEY.- After several months without leaving home, this Saturday it was common to find children on the street, almost all happy, but there was no lack of tears of some for the puncture, a puncture of which, due to their innocence, they cannot understand how important it can be, although there are those who give you an explanation about vaccines that seem large, with just 4 or 5 years, and they even tell you that they want to be scientists to create vaccines.

That was the atmosphere that was breathed in the municipalities of Camagüey and Florida where the vaccination with Soberana was extended this Saturday for children from two to eleven years old, after yesterday began Vertientes and ten educational centers of the provincial capital.

Fary Rubio García and Milena Pérez Curbelo are four years old and five years old respectively, and although their Circle is The Golden Age, today they arrived in Valodia to receive the first dose of Soberana 02 and start the road to immunization against SARS-CoV 2. "I didn't hurt anything, nor did blood come out, I won't get sick from the bad coronavirus anymore," the boy said. While Milena was happy because soon she will play with her little friends.

The remaining municipalities will do so from Sunday onwards. The start in each locality requires the certification of all the spaces to be used, which will generally be primary schools and kindergartens, as well as the arrival to them of the necessary doses of Soberana and a series of transport, refrigeration, personnel assurances, among others.

With the incorporation of the last age group, all Camagüey people over two years of age and included in the AntiCovid-19 vaccination will have received at least one dose, and in this way Camagüey continues to move towards the total immunization of its population. The Minister of the branch recently called, on a visit to the province, not to waste time especially with pediatric groups. (To be continue later...)

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