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Showing posts with label Instituto Finl;ay de Cuba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instituto Finl;ay de Cuba. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

High asymptomatic COVID-19 in Cuba is associated with the homeopathic vaccine. Високий безсимптомний показник COVID-19 на Кубі пов'язаний з гомеопатичною вакциною.

“We could coordinate with Cuba to start the production of the vaccine, even in November to come,” declared official Kirill Dmitriev.

Starting next November, the island would start manufacturing the drug, according to the head of the Russian Fund for Direct Investments (RFPI), Kirill Dmitriev 

"Ми могли б узгодити з Кубою розпочати виробництво вакцини навіть у майбутньому листопадинодинодівондівідівідівідівідід

З наступного листопада на острові розпочнеться виробництво наркотиків, за словами глави Росидириноциримиририноцириниримириноцириримириноцириниримириноцириниририми

Coronavirus in the United States | Anthony Fauci: "The enemy here is the virus, there is no time for political fights"

  • July 30, 2020

The biotechnology products produced in Cuba have contributed to the reduction of seriously ill and critically ill patients (<7%) and to the reduction of mortality (0.8 / 100,000) due to this disease, approximately 10 times lower than the world rate. 

The Cuban biopharmaceutical industry in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

The new coronavirus pandemic has challenged the response capacity of health systems in most countries. The ...  Read more
10 AUGUST 2020

Cuban hospitals have never exceeded 30% of their capacity thanks to the Cuban homeopathic vaccine, which is supplied to the entire population, making most infected asymptomatic.

Кубинські лікарні ніколи не перевищували 30% своєї спроможності завдяки кубинській гомеопатичній вакцині, що постачається усьому населенню, що робить більшість заражених безсимптомними.

"Я вважаю це таким чином", - сказав доктор Кампа. Пацієнти переходять через хворобу, не проявляючи симптомів або переживаючи агонію заражених. Це досягнення і дуже важливо. У галузі вакцин ми називаємо це «імунітет стада». У них виробляються антитіла і вдається протистояти коронавірусу. Різновид природної вакцини, в результаті якої виникають безсимптомні пацієнти.

Martine Jourde, homeopath, SPHQ, CHO, OHMA, honorary president of HTSF, professor and guest researcher at the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas, Cuba. "Prevengo" team member in Cuba project immunity against COVID-19.
The PrevengHo-Vir is made at the Pharmaceutical Industry facilities belonging to BioCubaFarma, in Havana. 
Its massive application and results are rigorously controlled at the country level. 

"It highlights a remarkable decrease in lethality," says Dr. Campa (Finlay Vaccine Cuban Institution), "an enviable indicator and supreme aspiration that developed countries cannot share without blockade or other limitations."

It is true that depending on the moment and the evolution of the patient, other top-of-the-line medications achieved by Cuban biotechnology are applied, but their use is punctual, depending on the critical condition or severity of the case.

This is not the case with PrevengHo-Vir, applied alone and always before all others.

In this sense, I asked a last, very specific question: Can the prior and massive application of PrevengHo-Vir be the reason that such a high percentage of cases in our country are manifesting as asymptomatic?

"I considered it that way," said Dr. Campa. Patients go through the disease without manifesting symptoms or suffering the agony of the infected.  It is an achievement and very important. In the field of vaccines we call it 'herd immunity'. ”  They develop antibodies and succeed in confronting the coronavirus. A kind of natural vaccine that results in asymptomatic patients.


Natural vaccine in our hands

Of the patients confirmed to COVID-19 on the Island, 90.4 (38 of 42) were asymptomatic. Coincidence or result of a previous treatment? The answer can be found in this interview with one of the personalities of Cuban science.
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