Community prevention.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

To be at home is no so bad.


"I knew she will going to be born"

CAMAGÜEY.- The sound of the cardiorespiratory monitor will remain in your mind like the echo of terrible days. Perhaps, more than once you wake up remembering the feeling of suffocation. He will touch the belly like when he was on that hospital bed. A glance at the cradle will be enough to calm everything down.

Acela González Guerra is 40 years old. She was happy with the third pregnancy. He was at risk due to age, but unlike the low weight indicated in previous pregnancies, he now managed to increase a few booklets.

-I started with 45 kilos and reached up to 52 kilos.

The firstborn has just turned 21 years old. Just on the day of the celebration, she began to feel unwell. Then he ran to the Maternal Hospital and soon was admitted to the Centennial Hospital.

- "You must stay," I was scared. Is there a doctor, what happened? "You have COVID."Adelante - “Sabía que iba a nacer” (full article)

CAMAGÜEY.- El sonido del monitor cardiorrespiratorio quedará en su mente como el eco de terribles días. Tal vez, más de una vez despierte recordando la sensación de ahogo. Tocará el vientre como cuando estaba sobre aquella cama de hospital. Bastará una mirada a la cuna para calmarlo todo.

Acela González Guerra tiene 40 años. Andaba contenta con el tercer embarazo. Era de riesgo por la edad, pero a diferencia del bajo peso señalado en las gestaciones precedentes, ahora lograba aumentar unas libritas.

-Empecé con 45 kilos y llegué hasta 52 kilos.

El primogénito acaba de cumplir 21 de edad. Justo el día de la celebración, ella empezó a sentirse mal. Entonces corrió para el Hospital Materno y no tardó el ingreso en el Hospital Centenario.

- “Debes quedarte”, me asusté. ¿Hay doctora, qué pasó? “Tienes COVID”

Preeminent Cuban Scientist Joins WHO Scientific Advisory Group / Cuban doctor María Guadalupe Guzmán was included in the new Scientific Advisory Group of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the Origin of New Pathogens. Along with 25 .

Quedate en casa 5

Even in times of pandemic, it has been shown that the home, in addition to being the safest space to avoid contagion by COVID-19, for the little ones is the ideal place to relax, interact much more with each member of the family and learn new stuff.

It is then, in the hands of adults, to find the ways and means to guide the processes either through play or in the safe and fun performance of household duties, as many as possible.

It is about finding, in the midst of the necessary home confinement, simple and attractive options to avoid boredom, looking for the positive within what seems impossible.

The invitation then is to create tasks where the minors are the main protagonists in the middle of that environment together with the family.

It's about keeping them busy with new things when they stop being creative. It works well for little Leo, as the following pictures show ...

Incluso en tiempos de pandemia, está demostrado que el hogar además de ser el espacio más seguro para evitar el contagio por COVID-19, para los más chicos es el lugar ideal para el esparcimiento, interactuar mucho más con cada miembro de la familia y aprender cosas nuevas.

Queda entonces, en manos de los adultos, encontrar las vías y formas para guiar los procesos ya sea a través del juego o en la realización segura y divertida de los deberes del hogar, todos los que sean posibles.

Se trata de encontrar, en medio del necesario confinamiento domiciliario, simples y atractivas opciones para evadir el aburrimiento, buscar lo positivo dentro de lo que parece imposible.

La invitación entonces es a crear tareas donde los menores sean los protagonistas principales en medio de ese entorno junto a la familia.

Se trata, de mantenerlos ocupados con nuevas cosas cuando dejen de ser creativos. Al pequeño Leo le funciona bien, como muestran las siguientes imágenes...

Quedate en casa 3Quedate en casa 1Quedate en casa 4Quedate en casa 2Quedate en casa 7Quedate en casa 6Quedate en casa 8

Friday, October 15, 2021


Santiago de Cuba dental service going back to normal. Le service dentaire de Santiago de Cuba revient à la normale. El servicio odontológico de Santiago de Cuba vuelve a la normalidad.

By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Dear friends from Sarasota, I have read the news in the local newspaper of Santiago de Cuba, the city where I was born, that dentist services are already being restored to normality (it is free in Cuba), previously they were limited by the high number of cases of covid.
Says the press release: "currently as a health service for the population, we continue to carry out emergency services, as well as care for different groups and in the case of dental prostheses we continue to carry out the repairs that the population needs"

 Querido amigos de Sarasota, he leido la noticia en el periodico local de Santiago de Cuba, ciudad donde naci, que ya se restablecen hacia la normalidad los servicios de dentista(es gratis en Cuba) , anteriormente estaban limitados por el elevado numero de casos de covid.
Dice la nota de prensa:  “actualmente como servicio de salud para la población, nos mantenemos realizando los servicios de urgencias, igual que la atención a los diferentes grupos y en el caso de la prótesis dental nos mantenemos realizando las reparaciones que la población necesite”..

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Since 2016, the influence of social networks on youth depression in the United States has been scientifically known. Desde el 2016 se conocia cientificamente la influencia de las redes sociales en la depreseion de jovenes en Estados Unidos.


By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Dear Sarasota friends who follow this blog, since 2016ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND DEPRESSION AMONG U.S. YOUNG ADULTS - PubMed (, a national scientific investigation showed that social networks were launching young people in the United States to the psychiatric ward, victims of depression and outbreaks of mental illness in few cases, so many more, with violent behavior, then, since 2018Social media use associated with depression among US young adults -- ScienceDaily, this investigation was open to public and wider online, but we had to wait for a scientist ex-FACEBOOK official to testify before the SENATE so that our representatives and legislators could take note and be proactive of how FACEBOOK influenced the ASSAULT TO THE CAPITOL and how INSTAGRAM is launching girls into anorexia and suicide.

Recently, dozens of articles were published in the official Cuban media about the influence of the United States' social networks in promoting violent actions and disregarding the forces of order during the protests in Cuba, however, no one was fazed about the complaints of the communist island until the scientist offered detailed evidence to the SENATE, which matter is being investigated today, about the influence of FACEBOOK in the internal destabilization of foreign governments.

I wonder ? Way none of our representatives, despite being aware of the problem, cared about the matter before, way this problem was never debated in Congress before, way it was necessary to wait for a scandal to break out, way Baiden during his campaign acts was not concerned about the problem of social networks directly linked to the stability and security of the Nation?

(CNN Business)The Facebook whistleblower who released thousands of documents that she says shows the company knows its platforms are used to spread hate, violence and misinformation is expected to meet with the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol as soon as Thursday, three sources with knowledge tell CNN.

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager with stints at several other big tech companies, went public with an appearance on "60 Minutes" and testified before a US Senate subcommittee on Tuesday.
The select committee is also interested in hearing from Haugen, CNN has learned, as she could provide insight into how Facebook was used to ultimately facilitate violence that occurred at the US Capitol on January 6.
    On Monday, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who is serving on the select paneltweeted that the select committee "will need to hear from her [Haugen], and get internal info from Facebook to flesh out their role."
      "According to this Facebook whistleblower, shutting down the civic integrity team and turning off election misinformation tools contributed to the Jan 6 insurrection," he said.Frances Haugen: Facebook whistleblower to talk to January 6 select committee - CNN

      Sunday, October 3, 2021

      NeuroEPO, "an intranasal formulation of recombinant human erythropoietin with a low sialic acid content" for Alzheimer. NeuroEPO, "una formulación intranasal de eritropoyetina humana recombinante con un bajo contenido de ácido siálico" para el Alzheimer.

      One of the largest comets ever seen is making its way to our solar system

       Nearly 170,000 people suffer from dementia in Cuba, which means 10% of those over 65 and 1.3% of the general population

      With 21% of its population aged 60 or over, the Caribbean nation is the oldest country in the region and it is estimated that by 2050 it will be one of the countries with the highest rate of demographic aging on the planet.

      The prevalence of dementia syndrome in our country is estimated at 10.2 per 100 people 65 years and older, with Alzheimer's disease being its most frequent cause.

      NeuroEPO is one of the most promising products in the portfolio of the Cuban Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM). During the latest proof-of-concept trial in Cuba, NeuroEPO acted as "a homeostatic regulator of the brain and improvement of cognitive deterioration in Alzheimer's patients," a report by Prensa Latina.

      Cubadebate spoke with Doctor of Science Teresita Rodríguez, project manager of the NeuroEPO, of the CIM.

      "With the increase in the life expectancy of the world's population, some of the neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's have increased. This has motivated the scientific community since the last century, has been dedicated to the search for drugs that can stop its progress, without being able to achieve significant benefits with the drugs that are currently registered, "said the specialist.

      One of the molecules most studied, he said, has been recombinant human erythropoietin, which has been used for more than 30 years in the treatment of anemia caused by chronic renal failure.

      "Giventhe incidence of Alzheimer's disease in Cuba, which in 2016 was 1.2% of the Cuban population and which in 2030 may reach 2.9%, the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM), together with other scientific institutions in the country, has carried out a project to obtain an erythropoietin with a low sialic acid content, that does not induce hematopoiesis and that has the same neuroprotective properties: NeuroEPO,"said the interviewee.

      He pointed out that after long years of non-clinical, pharmaceutical, toxicological and efficacy studies in various animal and disease models, in which the safety of the molecule and its efficacy have been demonstrated, it has moved to the phases of clinical trials.

      "From 2017 until the end of last year, the clinical trial of NeuroEPO for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease was carried out in order to demonstrate safety and efficacy. The results achieved in the trial show that there is a halt in the progression of the disease and that it improves aspects related to the cognitive sphere,"said Rodríguez.

      Recently, Dr. Tania Crombet Ramos, director of clinical research at the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM), commented at a press conference on the favorable data provided by this phase III, placebo-controlled clinical trial. "Itis an intranasal formulation, a very comfortable way of use for the patient and the caregiver. In this trial it was shown that we managed to improve neuropsychiatric cognitive impairment rates and also brain perfusion. We have evidence of mild and moderate Alzheimer's improvement with this molecule,"commented Crombet Ramos.

      Rodríguez, for his part, pointed out that the successful response of the hypothesis raised in the protocol allowed to prepare the necessary documentation so that, in the month of May of this year, the document required to make the application for registration of the product was presented to Cecmed. "It is currently under evaluation by this regulatory entity and if registered it would go to the commercialization phase of it, which could be happening between 2022 and 2023," he said.

      A new molecule called NeuroEPO, was proposed by the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) for official registration at the Center for the State Control of Drugs, Equipment and Medical Devices (Cecmed) with the aim of treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, which in 2016 affected 1.2% of the Cuban population, with prevalence in those over 65 years of age.

      According to the doctor of Sciences Teresita Rodríguez, project manager in an interview with Cubadebate, it is an erythropoietin with low sialic acid content, which does not produce serious adverse effects in the long term, and has neuroprotective properties.

      "After long years of non-clinical, pharmaceutical, toxicological and efficacy studies in animals and diseases, the safety of the molecule was demonstrated and from 2017 to the end of 2020 the clinical trial was carried out that evidenced a halt in the progression of the disease and improvements in aspects related to the cognitive sphere," Rodriguez said.

      Dr. Tania Crombet Ramos, director of clinical research at the Center for Immunology, said favorable data from the phase III, placebo-controlled trial. "This is an intranasal formulation, a very comfortable way of using it for the patient and the caregiver. We have evidence of mild and moderate improvement in Alzheimer's," he said.

      Since May of this year, Cecmed evaluates the results of the NeuroEPO that if registered would go to the marketing phase as a drug between 2022 and 2023, according to CIM sources, thus concretizing a substantial effort as part of the National Plan for Dementias, approved by the Ministry of Public Health in our country, indicates Cubadebate.NeuroEPO: hope against Alzheimer's (+Video) › Cuba › Granma - Official organ of the PCC

      Low vaccination rates still do not contain COVID-19 in Las Tunas, Cuba. Los bajos indices de vacunacion aun no contienen el COVID-19 en Las Tunas, Cuba.



      Covid-19: Septiembre de dispersión (+infografía) (

      Friday, October 1, 2021

      Doctors in Cuba test genetically modified Curcuma nasal drops.Medicos en Cuba prueban gotas nasales de Curcuma geneticamente modificada.

      Curmeric (molecularly genetically modified👀) is the latest non-homeopathic candidate as an early-stage COVID-19 drug.

      "... the Curmeric was subjected to four observational clinical studies (click blow the link) in the Havana municipalities of Regla and Plaza de la Revolución, in which 800 subjects participated and is for sale in the Natural and Homeopathic Products Pharmacy, with high acceptance among the population . "

      "...el Curmeric fue sometido a cuatro estudios clínicos observacionales en los municipios habaneros de Regla y Plaza de la Revolución, en los que participaron 800 sujetos y está en venta en la Farmacia de Producto Naturales y Homeopáticos, con alta aceptación entre la población."

      Tania Valdés González, Doctor of Science and head of the National Product Development Projects of Cúrcama longa, explains details about the first health intervention that is carried out in #Cuba with the Curmeric product.
      👉 Laboratory results and clinical studies indicate that it is safe and has antibacterial and anti-coronavirus action. As the intervention progresses in # CiegodeÁvila, its effectiveness in the prevention of # Covid-19 and in the treatment of respiratory infections can be determined. (See Facebook)

      By  Ailén Castilla Padrón 30 September 2021

      That suspected patients☠️ and contacts of positive cases👀 to COVID-19 in the five health areas of the head municipality have in their hands a bottle of Curmeric is due to the implementation in Ciego de Ávila (Ciego de Avila ☠️is the epicenter of COVID-19 in Cuba) of the first health intervention carried out in Cuba with this natural product, prior authorization of the Innovation Committee of the Ministry of Public Health, which will gradually extend to Florence, Chambas and Ciro Redondo.

      Tania Valdés González, head of the Teragnóstico Laboratory and the National Product Development Projects of Curcuma longa, explained that this process will allow measuring its effectiveness in the prevention of the disease, after the collection of data in a sample of 200 people.

      It is a combined emulsion. It contains extracts of Curcuma longa and we use high technology to make determinations of its molecules with beneficial properties and for the preparation of the formulation. In general, laboratory and clinical studies have shown that it is safe and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects against the bovine Coronavirus, of the same subgenus of SARS-CoV-2.

      That is why the specialist clarifies that it is not a homeopathic product👀 and that it does not have the same effect as consuming turmeric at home, a plant native to India and the basis of some condiments, since the procedures involved in obtaining it guarantee a more effective pharmaco-therapeutic action.

      Before arriving here, the Curmeric was subjected to four observational clinical studies in the Havana municipalities of Regla and Plaza de la Revolución, in which 800 subjects participated and is for sale in the Pharmacy of Natural and Homeopathic Products, with high acceptance among the population.

      In addition, the medical staff located in vulnerable areas of the Calixto García Clinical Surgical Hospital, the center where teragnóstico's laboratory is located, used it in the first months of facing the virus and showed fewer infections than the rest of the professionals who work there.

      Among the people excluded from the population intervention are those under 18 years of age, pregnant women, puerperal women and breastfeeding mothers. Its mode of application consists of two drops in each nostril, three times a day. To date, no adverse events have been reported.

      As part of the research led by the team at the Calixto García Clinical Surgical Hospital, Curcuma longa supplements👀 are used to reduce glycemia, cholesterol and triglycerides in patients with diabetes and dyslipidemias, in the development of nutritional supplements and work is being done on their use in the prevention of Alzheimer's.

      According to the planned schedule, within a period between one and two months the results will be available, and we will be able to have new data that support the benefits of Curmeric in the prevention of the transmission of Covid-19.


      1. Producto natural contra la COVID-19 en Ciego de Ávila

        Sep 30, 2021 · Producto natural contra la COVID-19 en Ciego de Ávila Mundial Béisbol Sub 23: Por nocaut cae Cuba ante Venezuela Ciego de Ávila: primeras medidas hacia la normalidad Soberana 02, bendición para los niños cubanos Ciego de Ávila: 114 casos confirmados y un fallecido por COVID-19

      2. Ciego de Ávila continúa como epicentro de la Covid-19 en ...

        Sep 17, 2020 · La Habana y Ciego de Ávila presentan más casos de la Covid-19. Las autoridades de salud de Cuba actualizaron los datos de la pandemia en el país, en una jornada donde luego de