Community prevention.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Since 2016, the influence of social networks on youth depression in the United States has been scientifically known. Desde el 2016 se conocia cientificamente la influencia de las redes sociales en la depreseion de jovenes en Estados Unidos.


By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Dear Sarasota friends who follow this blog, since 2016ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND DEPRESSION AMONG U.S. YOUNG ADULTS - PubMed (, a national scientific investigation showed that social networks were launching young people in the United States to the psychiatric ward, victims of depression and outbreaks of mental illness in few cases, so many more, with violent behavior, then, since 2018Social media use associated with depression among US young adults -- ScienceDaily, this investigation was open to public and wider online, but we had to wait for a scientist ex-FACEBOOK official to testify before the SENATE so that our representatives and legislators could take note and be proactive of how FACEBOOK influenced the ASSAULT TO THE CAPITOL and how INSTAGRAM is launching girls into anorexia and suicide.

Recently, dozens of articles were published in the official Cuban media about the influence of the United States' social networks in promoting violent actions and disregarding the forces of order during the protests in Cuba, however, no one was fazed about the complaints of the communist island until the scientist offered detailed evidence to the SENATE, which matter is being investigated today, about the influence of FACEBOOK in the internal destabilization of foreign governments.

I wonder ? Way none of our representatives, despite being aware of the problem, cared about the matter before, way this problem was never debated in Congress before, way it was necessary to wait for a scandal to break out, way Baiden during his campaign acts was not concerned about the problem of social networks directly linked to the stability and security of the Nation?

(CNN Business)The Facebook whistleblower who released thousands of documents that she says shows the company knows its platforms are used to spread hate, violence and misinformation is expected to meet with the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol as soon as Thursday, three sources with knowledge tell CNN.

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager with stints at several other big tech companies, went public with an appearance on "60 Minutes" and testified before a US Senate subcommittee on Tuesday.
The select committee is also interested in hearing from Haugen, CNN has learned, as she could provide insight into how Facebook was used to ultimately facilitate violence that occurred at the US Capitol on January 6.
    On Monday, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who is serving on the select paneltweeted that the select committee "will need to hear from her [Haugen], and get internal info from Facebook to flesh out their role."
      "According to this Facebook whistleblower, shutting down the civic integrity team and turning off election misinformation tools contributed to the Jan 6 insurrection," he said.Frances Haugen: Facebook whistleblower to talk to January 6 select committee - CNN

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