A well-trained person⛹️♂️ is able to respond to an unexpected assault🧛♂️ by the new coronavirus by making him flee🚴♀️ without having to call the police or the ambulance.🎃🎃🎃🙏🙏🙏
Чи є у вас хороший тренер, який повинен зіткнутися з COVID-19? 🤸♀️
For the coronavirus we are an inert tree where he can do his thing🤐, even cut it by the roots in three days.😥
The bioaerosol of the coronavirus 🧯🌪 while we shop in closed and crowded places can mortally infect us, if we are not protected🙏, just five meters from an asymptomatic patient who seems to be a normal person but is not.😯😁🤐🥴
Researcher Arantza Eiguren with a device similar to that used to capture coronaviruses, Berkeley (US)
The Tomograph installed in the Territorial Oncology Center is the second of its kind in the country. Photos: Juan Pablo Carreras.
Томограф, встановлений в Територіальному онкологічному диспансері, є другим подібним в країні. Фотографії: Хуан Пабло Каррерас.
Варто пам’ятати про безкоштовні медичні послуги, хіміотерапію, радіо та наркотики на Кубі для всіх кубинців без черги, навіть якщо вони дуже дорогі, як у спеціальності онкології.
It is worth remembering the free medical services,chemotherapy, radio and drugs in Cuba for all Cubanswithout waiting list, even if they are highly expensive like those in the specialty of Oncology.
The official start-up, this August 13, of a 16-slice computerized axial tomography (CT) scan at the Holguín Territorial Oncology Center opens a new stage in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in patients from the Holguín provinces, Las Tunas and Granma, due to the high technological possibilities of the German-made equipment.
This CT scan is the second of its kind installed in Cuba so far and the first to be synchronized in the imaging process with the radioactive planning process for radiotherapy treatment; in addition to having among other advantages related to the quality and capacity of studies.
Dr. Luis Mario Zaldívar Pérez, a second-degree specialist in Radiology, said that despite the new CT scan not being one of the highest in number of cuts, it does have a software system capable of making up for the difference and obtaining larger images. quality.
Доктор Луїс Маріо Залдівар Перес, фахівець з радіології другого ступеня, заявив, що незважаючи на те, що новий КТ не є одним із найвищих за кількістю скорочень, у нього є програмне забезпечення, здатне компенсувати різницю та отримувати більші зображення . якість.
He stressed that “with the tomograph any body region and oncological pathology can be studied. It has the ability to address large areas of the body in a single exposure, that means a lot of radiation savings for the patient, a higher level of radiological protection and no part of the body is out of its exploration capacity ”.
hace 13 horas - El Tomógrafo instalado en Centro Oncológico Territorial de Holguín es el segundo de su tipo en el país. Fotos: Juan Pablo Carreras. La puesta ...
“We could coordinate with Cuba to start the production of the vaccine, even in November to come,” declared official Kirill Dmitriev.
Starting next November, the island would start manufacturing the drug, according to the head of the Russian Fund for Direct Investments (RFPI), Kirill Dmitriev
"Ми могли б узгодити з Кубою розпочати виробництво вакцини навіть у майбутньому листопадинодинодівондівідівідівідівідід
З наступного листопада на острові розпочнеться виробництво наркотиків, за словами глави Росидириноциримиририноцириниримириноцириримириноцириниримириноцириниририми
Coronavirus in the United States | Anthony Fauci: "The enemy here is the virus, there is no time for political fights"
DraftingBBC News World
July 30, 2020
The biotechnology products produced in Cuba have contributed to the reduction of seriously ill and critically ill patients (<7%) and to the reduction of mortality (0.8 / 100,000) due to this disease, approximately 10 times lower than the world rate.
The Cuban biopharmaceutical industry in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
The new coronavirus pandemic has challenged the response capacity of health systems in most countries. The ... Read more
Cuban hospitals have never exceeded 30% of their capacity thanks to the Cuban homeopathic vaccine, which is supplied to the entire population, making most infected asymptomatic.
Кубинські лікарні ніколи не перевищували 30% своєї спроможності завдяки кубинській гомеопатичній вакцині, що постачається усьому населенню, що робить більшість заражених безсимптомними.
"Я вважаю це таким чином", - сказав доктор Кампа. Пацієнти переходять через хворобу, не проявляючи симптомів або переживаючи агонію заражених. Це досягнення і дуже важливо. У галузі вакцин ми називаємо це «імунітет стада». У них виробляються антитіла і вдається протистояти коронавірусу. Різновид природної вакцини, в результаті якої виникають безсимптомні пацієнти.
Martine Jourde, homeopath, SPHQ, CHO, OHMA, honorary president of HTSF, professor and guest researcher at the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas, Cuba. "Prevengo" team member in Cuba projectimmunity against COVID-19.
The PrevengHo-Vir is made at the Pharmaceutical Industry facilities belonging to BioCubaFarma, in Havana.
Its massive application and results are rigorously controlled at the country level.
"It highlights a remarkable decrease in lethality," says Dr. Campa (Finlay Vaccine Cuban Institution), "an enviable indicator and supreme aspiration that developed countries cannot share without blockade or other limitations."
It is true that depending on the moment and the evolution of the patient, other top-of-the-line medications achieved by Cuban biotechnology are applied, but their use is punctual, depending on the critical condition or severity of the case.
This is not the case with PrevengHo-Vir, applied alone and always before all others.
In this sense, I asked a last, very specific question: Can the prior and massive application of PrevengHo-Vir be the reason that such a high percentage of cases in our country are manifesting as asymptomatic?
"I considered it that way," said Dr. Campa. Patients go through the disease without manifesting symptoms or suffering the agony of the infected. It is an achievement and very important. In the field of vaccines we call it 'herd immunity'. ” They develop antibodies and succeed in confronting the coronavirus. A kind of natural vaccine that results in asymptomatic patients.
Natural vaccine in our hands
Of the patients confirmed to COVID-19 on the Island, 90.4 (38 of 42) were asymptomatic. Coincidence or result of a previous treatment? The answer can be found in this interview with one of the personalities of Cuban science.
During the Middle Ages, when Europe was decimated by several plague epidemics, the only way to contain the epidemic was quarantines, the isolation of the infected, because, as it happens to us today, there were no medicines to cure the disease, much less vaccines.
COVID-19 is uncontrollable in Florida, where I live with my wife and family, that's why I feel directly involved in a danger zone where many enter a hospital saying goodbye to the family with a smile and three days later they are a corpse infected that has to be buried stealthily, without ceremony.
I think that to control the new coronavirus and its deadly expansion we have good references of the medical culture in the CDC of the United States.
Precisely Cuba, ninety miles from the Florida coast, following the guidelines of the United States CDC and the American Medical Clinics, has managed to control the pandemic with only 87 deaths, while the state of Florida has more than 6,500 deaths.
In Cuba no child has died, in Florida several have died, including a 9-year-old girl recently.
In Cuba there are 2,588 cases while in Florida we go for 460.000
It is obvious that in the case of Cuba the approach of the United States CDC has managed to control the pandemic while in Florida the opposite has happened.
Florida 10,000 cases a day, Cuba exceptionally in one day 19 cases.
And that is the reason why I start to think that the solution is not in the amount of money you have, nor in the resources, but in that asset more precious than gold and diamond, the one that decides the true victory, that logistics that never betrays you, in short ... what the Greeks called Paideia and that today we opaquely translate with the word "culture".
The Cuban doctors, updated 24 hours around, as soon as the United States FDA update, the only thing they have had done to control the COVID-19 pandemic is to faithfully follow the guidelines of the North American doctors, especially the powerful influence in Cuba of the community of Florida doctors within the island's medical community and the United States Health System, although notoriously dysfunctional, it is still an international reference in terms of Health,with notorious credit and scientific evidence in the Cuban population right now, in the cuban authorities, in his doctors, that the United States is the first biotechnological power on earth.
It is not the North American doctors or the Health System of the United States that have put us in a dead end in Florida, the greatest scientific evidence is Cuba, only ninety miles away.
Sarasota, Florida residents living on the doorstep of Hell should ask themselves:
? What has failed in the control of COVID-19 if the responsibility does not fall on the North American medical community that acts correctly, where is the "iceberg" that will end up paralyzing the economy of the state of Florida, whether it wants it or not, completely?
Durante la Edad Media, cuando a Europa la diezmaron varias epidemias de peste, la unica forma de contener la epidemia fueron las cuarentenas, el aislamiento de los infectados porque tal y como nos pasa hoy no habia medicinas que curaran la enfermedad y mucho menos vacunas.