Community prevention.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

La cura del coronavirus parece estar en el te negro o verde, segun cientificos.? Could green or black tea cure the coronavirus?

 Por Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Como ustedes saben, hasta la fecha no hay medicina que cure la infeccion por Covid-19, lo unico que puede hacer el medico con medicinas es reestablecer los indicadores de salud, sin embargo, en lo mas terrible de la pandemia cientificos de Taiwan anunciaron que con te negro o verde se podia curar el virus mortal y al parecer nadie les creyo, resulta que ahora, mucho tiempo despues, me encuentro con la informacion siguiente:

As you know, to date there is no medicine that cures the Covid-19 infection, the only thing that the doctor can do with medicines is to restore the health indicators, however, in the most terrible of the pandemic, Taiwan scientists announced that black or green tea could cure the deadly virus and apparently no one believed them, it turns out that now, much later, I find the following information:

  2. Investigaciones

Científicos de Akademgorodok proponen tratar el coronavirus con té 

Los científicos dijeron que actualmente no hay tratamientos efectivos comprobados para COVID-19. La práctica actual se considera controvertida y no está completamente probada. Además, los científicos dijeron que una respuesta inmune excesiva puede conducir a una "tormenta de citoquinas", una de las principales complicaciones del coronavirus, que interrumpe el trabajo de la inmunidad, y tomar ciertos medicamentos para controlarla puede aumentar los riesgos de otras complicaciones.

Entonces, los científicos llegaron a la conclusión de que para el tratamiento de pacientes con coronavirus, es preferible usar medicamentos de efectos complejos, con propiedades antiinflamatorias y antibacterianas, así como una acción antiviral directa.

Los científicos han probado la eficacia de la prevención con la ayuda del té (negro o verde Edt.) "in vitro". Examinaron las bolsas de té preparadas con inactivación directa del virus, un método en el que el virus y el medicamento se mezclan y envejecen, determinando la capacidad del medicamento para actuar sobre la capacidad del virus para penetrar en la célula. En total, se utilizaron seis composiciones de té preparado que no contenían sabores, tres composiciones de té negro y tres tés verdes. Como muestras de control, se utilizó una decocción de chaga, conocida por su actividad contra los virus, así como té de Iván preparado.

"Como resultado, cuando se comparó con las muestras de control, se reveló una actividad inhibitoria aproximadamente igual en el SARS-CoV-2 de cuatro muestras de té: a base de té negro con la adición de hierba de tomillo de Altai y especias de clavo o con la adición de semillas de comino y raíz de ángela; para composiciones de té preparadas basadas en té verde con la adición de hojas de menta y flores de lavanda o con la adición de cáscara de naranja y semillas de anís", agregaron los científicos.


Los científicos de Akademgorodok propusieron tratar el coronavirus con té | VN.RU

Thursday, October 21, 2021

WALMART, McDonald's and the gas stations saved the domestic economy from freezing in the worst of the pandemic in Sarasota, Florida.WALMART, McDonald y las gasolineras salvaron la economia interna del congelamiento en lo peor de la pandemia en Sarasota, Florida.


By Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida.

Despite the monopoly accusations against WALMART and McDonald, it was these two companies, along with the network of gasoline stations that kept the internal economy of Sarasota, Florida, alive during the worst part of the pandemic when few were vaccinated. I remember that most of the small businesses were closed due to the crisis and that the majority of the population went to Walmart to buy everything necessary to supply and feed a family with the least possible expense, which happened despite the fact that the Biden government failed to comply. his promise to provide a weekly federal bonus to essential workers and did not give aid to these companies that barely kept prices and supply afloat

Monday, October 18, 2021

Is Video Game Addiction a Disorder? ¿Es la adicción a los videojuegos un trastorno?


Polarized Chile marks anniversary of 2019 protests as election nears

Psychiatric TimesVol 38, Issue 10, Dr Parmar is a double board-certified adult and child psychiatrist with Community Psychiatry based in Newark, CA. Dr Lagoy is a staff psychiatrist at Community Psychiatry in San Jose, CA.

¿Es peligroso jugar? Un estudio encontró que el 10% de los jugadores de videojuegos exhibieron un comportamiento patológico.

Full original article, click link:

Game Over: Is It Time to Call This an Addiction?

 Utilizando los resultados de una encuesta de más de 2000 estudiantes de secundaria de Corea del Sur, cerca del 6% se clasificaron como con un trastorno del juego, y otro 8% se consideró en alto riesgo para el trastorno.3

En respuesta a estadísticas como estas, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en 2018 incluyó oficialmente el trastorno del juego en Internet (DCI) en la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, 11ª edición, señalando que el trastorno resultó en "angustia marcada o deterioro significativo en el funcionamiento personal, familiar, social, educativo u ocupacional". La OMS señaló además otros problemas de salud asociados, como la actividad física insuficiente, la mala alimentación, los problemas con la vista y la audición, los problemas musculoesqueléticos, la privación del sueño, el comportamiento agresivo y la depresión, así como el mal funcionamiento psicosocial.4

Los proveedores de salud mental en numerosos países, incluidos Corea del Sur y China, acogieron con satisfacción la decisión de la OMS, diciendo que formalizaba una forma de comprender mejor el problema y apoyar a los pacientes. En los Estados Unidos, sin embargo, la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA) ha dudado en etiquetar la adicción al videojuego como un trastorno psiquiátrico. Hasta ahora, el juego es la única adicción conductual identificada como un trastorno por la APA; se agregó como un trastorno DSM-5 en 2013.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

University of Havana publishes a book on group psychological guidance through WhatsApp. Universidad de La Habana publica libro sobre orientacion sicologica de grupo a atraves de WhatsApp.


The book Remote Psychological Counseling Service: Theory and Practice of PsychoGroups on WhatsApp. An experience during the COVID-19 pandemic was presented with a virtual exchange between some of its authors.

This volume, published by the editorial of the Center for Demographic Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Havana, brings together the knowledge of a group of 41 authors, coordinated by the psychologist Bárbara Zas, who also coordinated the operation of the virtual groups.

The work of the psychogroups, the text indicates, was supported by three essential pillars of action: psychological orientation, group devices and the use of social networks and includes a service route, from its conceptual, methodological and organizational bases of the psychological orientation at a distance offered, implementation, dynamics and evaluation.

Among the recommendations of this delivery are to implement the remote psychological counseling service, which has proven to be viable in Cuba, to other demands or situations that are or are not emergency; when the post closure of the service presents a situation of health reemergency, create specific WhatsApp PsychoGroups with a territorial focus, as is the current case in Havana and Artemisa, and readjust teams with different counselors that allow to enhance the orientation from the professional strengths and satisfy the high demand with diversity of themes.

At the same time, it proposes, as an essential part of the organization and training actions of the distance care service (or face-to-face), to systematize horizontal and external supervision actions, to continue adjusting to the virtual modality, other resources, techniques and dynamics to favor learning and group work.

On the other hand, it considers it advisable, in addition, the use of materials and infographics from other contexts, the elaboration of own supports or establish alliances with the group of users for its design, which guarantees the adjustment of content and contextual and, in very specific populations or themes, develop a strategy to promote the service within the target community to reach a greater number of members and more varied active participations.

In his final reflections it is pointed out that the remote psychological counseling service of PsicoGrupos WhatsApp, has been designed in such a way that it can be replicated by other groups of professionals in similar conditions, whether or not they are emergency.

According to the text, the theoretical-methodological principles established on psychological orientation at a distance, from the presuppositions of Cuban psychology, constitute a theoretical production of reference in the development of this practice in the national context.

In turn, he adds that the professional and social responsibility of assuming a remote psychological orientation service aimed at the population, implies prioritizing to guarantee the quality of the professional actions carried out, a training in skills for this type of experience and the work with large groups in the virtual space.

In his words to the prologue, the psychologist Manuel Calviño considered that "it is the publication of an experience of dimensions not only scientific, methodological, but also ethical, where science is discovered as a direct operation at the service of the well-being and happiness of human beings, so making it visible, sharing it is an act of utmost responsibility".

  • (PDF) Orientación psicológica en grupos de WhatsApp

    La tarea de Psicogrupos WhatsApp es brindar orientación psicológica para un mejor proceso de. afrontamiento a la pandemia de la COVID-19. Para ello se trabaja con varios grupos poblacionales ...

    • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

    • La científica e investigadora cubana Gladys Gutiérrez Bugallo recibió recientemente el premio Jóvenes Talentos para las Mujeres en la Ciencia, en su edición 15ta., que entregan la Unesco y la empresa francesa L’Oreal.


      "Humanity needs science and science needs everyone, women, men, the rich, the poor ... because science, to be true, has to be rigorous and also be inclusive, and not it is like this today."

      "Gladys Garcia Bugallo, cuban science researcher UNESCO-L'OREAL AWARD.

      Full article:My goal is to grow and be useful - Juventud Rebelde - Diario de la juventud cubana


      Cuban scientist receives the Latin American Women in Chemistry Award. Gana cientifica cubana el Latin American Women in Chemistry Award.


      The Doctor in Chemical Sciences Hilda Garay Pérez (Phd), as Head of the Synthetic Peptides Group at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), in Cuba, deserved the Latin American Women in Chemistry Award 2021, granted by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (FLAQ), the Cuban scientific institution published on its Twitter profile.

      The institution celebrated the achievement of the Doctor of Science: "The #CIGB wishes you many congratulations!"

      Garay Pérez deserved the award in the Industrial Leader category, which recognizes women from the chemical, pharmaceutical or biotechnological industry, whose research and innovations have led to discoveries for the benefit of society.

      The Latin American Women in Chemistry Award aims to promote gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the region, and also to contribute to the development of a more advanced perspective in understanding the impact of diversity on scientific research and in the area of chemistry in general.

      ACS and FLAQ also award awards in the categories of Academic Leader and Emerging Leader in Chemistry.Cuban scientist receives the Latin American Women in Chemistry Award - Juventud Rebelde - Diario de la juventud cubana