, Mayor of Cali. Mayor of Cali, Former Senator, Physician, Former President of the Green Party, creative, farmer, developing the Betania reserve, building a Colombia in Peace
Colombia: The mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, who asked Cuba for medical personnel - which earned him an onslaught of uribismo -, this Monday the president stayed on the call and urged not to put politics into life.
“The teaching that the coronavirus leaves behind - beyond ideologies, country borders and visions - is that it attacked us all and needs all of us together. We need to recognize ourselves as humans, if we don't recognize that in this pandemic we lost the task, "he added.
Quintero defended that with measures of this caliber he seeks to prepare the health system and "not wait until it is needed." In this line, I said that although there are fans in hospitals, there are no experts in their management, hence the need for more personnel.
Governor of Magdalena also requests assistance from Cuban doctors in Colombia
The president assures that since March he made the first request, before the Colombian Foreign Ministry.
For the second time, the governor of the Magdalena department, Carlos Caicedo, asked the Cuban embassy for technical assistance from his medical staff, to support the care of patients with Covid-19 in the department.
The departmental president through his social networks assured that from the month of March he made official, to the Colombian Foreign Ministry his request without response, to facilitate the connection of Cuban doctors, with experience and knowledge in treating the pandemic and face it with more and best tools.
The Holguín Chamber Orchestra joined in a music and poetry recital to young authors of the Ediciones La Luz catalog, at the Eddy Suñol Theater in their first presentation back to normal. Photos: Courtesy of the Holguín Chamber Orchestra
Cuba is the best demonstration that the policy of compulsory use of the mask is essential to reduce infections and deaths from the new coronavirus pandemic.
Куба - найкраща демонстрація того, що політика обов'язкового використання маски має важливе значення для зменшення інфекцій та смертей від нової пандемії коронавірусу. На Кубі не померла жодна дитина.
Cuba es la mejor demostracion de que la politica del uso obligatorio de la mascara es fundamental para dismiuir las infecciones y los fallecimientos por la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus.Ningun nino ha muerto en Cuba.
Mandatory masks, quarantines, hospital care for all those infected have made sure that no child has died in Cuba.
The courts and the police have been responsible for ensuring that these public health policies are fully complied with throughout the island.
Click images to enlarge.
The measures applied have a high level of effectiveness, although they do not entail confinement, since once the person sentenced is sent to the Execution Judge, together with the rest of the factors, which includes the police, mass organizations and other organizations, It will exercise close control in carrying out community work and fines.
Застосовувані заходи мають високий рівень ефективності, хоча вони не тягнуть за собою ув'язнення, оскільки одного разу санкціоновану особу направлять судді-виконавцю разом з рештою факторів, до яких належать міліція, масові організації та інші організації, Він здійснюватиме пильний контроль за виконанням громадських робіт та штрафами.
Las medidas aplicadas tienen alto nivel de efectividad, aunque no conlleven encierro, ya que una vez que el sancionado es enviado al Juez de Ejecución, de conjunto con el resto de factores, que incluye la policia, las organizaciones de masas y otros organismos, se ejercerá estrecho control en la realización de snciones de trabajo comunitario y multas.
In Gibara, Cuba, one of the municipalities where a local epidemic event was opened, a citizen was detected on public roads, at night, without using the nasobuco. When requested by the police, he offended the officer in words. The Municipal Court imposed an eight-month sentence of Deprivation of Liberty, subsidized by the same term of Correctional Work Without Internment and a fine of 300 quotas of three pesos each.
У Гібарі, на Кубі, одній із муніципалітетів, де відкрили місцеву епідемічну подію, громадянина були виявлені на дорогах загального користування, вночі, не використовуючи нособуко. На прохання ПНР він образив офіцера словами. Муніципальний суд призначив вісіммісячний вирок позбавлення волі, субсидований тим самим терміном виправних робіт без інтернації та штраф у розмірі 300 квот по три песо кожен.
En Gibara, Cuba, uno de los municipios donde abrió un evento epidémico local, detectó a un ciudadano en la vía pública, en horas de la noche, sin usar el nasobuco. Al ser requerido por la polícia, ofendio de palabras al oficial. El Tribunal Municipal le impuso la pena de ocho meses de Privación de Libertad, subsidiada por el mismo término de Trabajo Correccional Sin Internamiento y Multa de 300 cuotas de tres pesos cada una.
Similarly, another citizen who was on public roads without the use of the nasobuco and ingesting alcoholic beverages, was requested by PNR agents to withdraw to his home, which he opportunely did, but about an hour later He was detected again in the park, drinking alcoholic beverages with another citizen and without the use of the means of protection, for which he was requested and fined, and to top it off he refused to pay the fine. For this, he received as a sanction, six months of Deprivation of Liberty subsidized by the same term of Correctional Work Without Internment and a fine of 300 quotas of two pesos each.
Так само ще одного громадянина, який знаходився на автодорозі загального користування без вживання нособука та вживання алкогольних напоїв, поліцейські попросили відійти до його будинку, що він, мабуть, зробив, але приблизно через годину Його знову виявили в парку, вживаючи алкогольні напої з іншим громадянином і без використання засобів захисту, за що його просили та оштрафували, а на додачу він відмовився платити штраф. За це він отримав як санкцію, шість місяців позбавлення волі, субсидовану тим самим терміном виправних робіт без інтернації та штраф у 300 квот по два песо кожен.
De igual modo, otro ciudadano que se encontraba en la vía pública sin el uso del nasobuco e ingiriendo bebidas alcohólicas, fue requerido por agentes de la policia para que se retirara a su domicilio, lo que oportunamente hizo, pero alrededor de una hora más tarde fue detectado nuevamente en el parque, ingiriendo bebidas alcohólicas con otro ciudadano y sin el uso del medio de protección, por lo que fue requerido y multado, y por si fuese poco se negó a pagar la multa. Por ello, recibió como sanción, seis meses de Privación de Libertad subsidiado por igual término de Trabajo Correccional Sin Internamiento y multa de 300 cuotas de dos pesos cada una.
Нові нейрохірургії виконані в Гольгуїні, лікарні Куби
To perform the resection, the patient had to undergo a very wide craniotomy, which consists of removing a part of the skull to access the brain parenchyma where the lesion is observed.
Neurosurgery in Holguín is back in the news with the first resection of a glioma in the left temporal lobe with intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (MIO) performed in eastern Cuba on a 48-year-old patient suffering from a lesion that is more aggressive to the system central nervous, who was operated on Friday 17 by a multidisciplinary team at the Lucía Íñiguez Landín hospital.(Haga click arriba)
The novel surgical procedure, based on the use of various techniques to remove the seven by seven centimeters malignant tumor, was performed on Erides Almarales, resident in the municipality of Báguanos, by young neurosurgeons, who had the assistance of the specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology and DrC Arquímedes Montoya and his work and technology team, from the Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas General Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba. (Click images to enlarge)
Monitoring allowed the tumor to be resected, knowing how to delimit between healthy and diseased tissue.
Regarding the operative act, Dr. Freddy Varona Fernández, main neurosurgeon, explained that after analyzing the peculiarities of the glioma, as well as size and location, it was decided to "jointly use the fluorescein protocol - a drug that pigments the most vascularized and damaged areas- with microscopic surgery and neurophysiological monitoring, which allows us to differentiate, through the brain's electrical pattern, the healthy tissue of the patient ”.
The also Head of the "Lucia" Neurosurgery Service specified that both in the preoperative period, started the day before surgery, and during the more than four hours of the intervention and in the postoperative period, they had the cooperation of Professor Montoya, who together He encouraged his team to guide the motor and sensory areas through neuromonitoring to avoid damaging them during the resection of the lesion.
Doctor Freddy Varona through the microscope accurately visualizes the lesion.
Both agreed that in this type of operation the coordinated and professional participation of all participants is decisive, and in which the role of anesthesiologists is essential. "We were suggested to use a total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), to use multiple drugs with low doses, to prevent the patient from having an anesthetic block, in the cerebral cortex that did not allow its registration, therefore we all had to work in unison , using very low doses of medication, so as not to block the cerebral cortex and in this way allow the neurophysiologist to do the examination and this, in turn, would guide us as to what areas of surgery we might be working on. "
For his part, Dr. José Miguel Pastor Rojas, another of the acting neurosurgeons, specified that "this elective major surgery was very well planned jointly between our team and that of Professor Santiago, to agree to introduce a novel treatment here, just done up to now in the International Center for Neurological Restoration (Ciren), in Havana, since other similar ones, but in the spinal column, have been carried out in the province of Santiago de Cuba and in the Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja pediatric hospital, from Holguín.
Neurosurgeons Freddy and José Miguel, on the left and right, respectively, explain how they performed the surgical act.
The patient evolves well one week after his operation, he only maintains motor aphasia (difficulty in emitting the words), which can improve in the course of the days; understands everything that is said to him, follows the orders that the specialists give him and recovers in the Neurosurgery Room, after his stay in the Intensive Care Unit.
The Team Leader acknowledged that “this coordinated action made it easier for the patient's electrical pattern to remain stable, which, when compared to that performed in the postoperative period, showed the same behavior, that is, the invasive action did not cause any new injury to that already established by the tumor. "
Dr. Freddy Varona interacts with the patient to assess his postoperative status. Photos: Carlos Rafael and Courtesy of Doctors Freddy and José Miguel
For the Lucía Íñiguez clinical surgical hospital and, especially, for the medical team that is the protagonist of this event, also made up of neurosurgeon Klaudia García, from the pediatric Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja; the anesthesiologist Sandra Chía Martínez, nursing staff and other professionals, materializing this risky procedure constitutes a very high satisfaction, achieved in times of great pressure due to the effects of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against the country and of great tension in post-COVID-19 times.
Dr. Varona pointed out that tumor surgeries in the central nervous system, in general, are expensive, and if these complex techniques are added to them, they exceed 100 thousand or 120 thousand dollars, but in Cuba for all nationals the treatment Surgical, such as medicated and hospitalization are free, without distinction.